What is direct to customer service?
Direct-to-consumer services can be defined as a business model used by companies that provide their products and services directly to the end consumer, without intermediary platforms or retailers. Before 2020, third-party platforms, such as large-scale retailers or on-demand food deli …
What are the different types of revenue models in the online marketplace?
Getting the revenue model right is one of the first things you need to think about when starting an online Marketplace. The big players in the online marketplace industry, for example, Amazon or Etsy, have each adopted a different strategy of pricing in order to surpass their competit …
Which are some successful D2C platforms
You have probably become familiar with the trend of companies that have incorporated the direct-to-customer strategy in recent years. Especially since 2020, this business model has become more popular due to the very fast-growing demand as well as a survival mechanism for small busine …
Why Uber Eats and other companies are losing the big franchises business.
Using intermediaries has been a trend for more than five years now. The biggest players who have been on the market for many decades also joined the club of the on-demand delivery applications, for example, McDonald's, Burger King, Starbucks, etc. However, since the beginning of the p …
The New Business/ Hyper-Local Multi-Store For Food Franchises
Since the hyper-local business started out, in the eCommerce section, it has created a huge stir. One of the reasons that hyper-local business has gotten so big is because it is convenient, but is it going to stick around for the long term? This article takes an in-depth look into the …
Top 7 uses of promotion tools in your hyperlocal marketplace
Are you about to launch a new online marketplace? Having strong marketing tools in place is the first thing you should consider when launching locally. This year, Google accounted for 360 billion searches. Consumers now do as much as 70% of their purchasing research online before they …
Why Restaurants Are Switching To Ownership Of Online Ordering Platforms
It is no secret that online ordering is the next best thing since buttered bread. Some love it, some hate it, but whatever the case is, many restaurants are forced to have to jump on board and offer their wares to people that wish to order food online via applications. Online ordering …
How DoorDash works/ Business model explained
You have probably already heard of Uber-Eats and other big players in the food delivery industry. However, would you like to know more about how they really work and why is their business model so successful? According to eMarketer, the market share of DoorDash equaled 45% in 2020, wh …
What does a Direct to customer business model look like
D2C is a term that stands for direct-to-consumer. A company produces a given product or service independently, as well as distributes it within its own channels. The D2C business model is currently experiencing a revolution and shaping the future of small businesses, as well as bigger …
What is a direct-to-consumer platform?
With many intermediaries dominating the market of on-demand deliveries, you are probably wondering what are the pros of having a direct-to-consumer platform? D2C (Direct to Consumer) model is a vertical business model, which aims to eliminate intermediaries and make the company indepe …