Top 5 features that make your online tutoring marketplace stand out
Education is the be-all and end-all of life. The correct certification and tutoring can enable you to obtain employment in organizations that set you up for life. Therefore, good tutoring is highly in demand, and as with everything now, even tutoring is online! Online tutoring is a mu …
Ordering, The Chosen Logistics Platform By Franchises
Food eating habits of your average Joe have changed significantly. We live in a world where people want to eat fast, efficiently, and with great convenience. Younger people prefer to order takeout as opposed to cooking. Even the older generation enjoys indulging in takeout food instea …
Eight Significant Advantages Of Starting An Online Alcohol Delivery Business
The cat is out of the bag, and there is no secret that e-commerce is one of the most profitable ways to start a business. Not only can you start selling items online to a wide range of customers that wouldn’t be reachable when you sell physically in a more localized store, but you can …
Top 5 Online Marketplace Ideas for 2021- The Ultimate Guide
Let’s begin with the top-selling Black Friday products. With Black Friday just around the corner, many of you will wonder what the top products consumers will purchase online. Unfortunately, there are a few days to prepare until black Friday is due again in 2021. This time the occasio …
Black Friday Statistics From Previous Years
So, it is just around the corner. Everyone knows that Black Friday is the day that you grab a bargain. You literally can get your hands on expensive goodies without having to fork out significant amounts for them. Shoppers around the globe can get online and order and save over 50% on …
How Much Does It Cost To Build Your Online Marketplace?
Ever wonder how much creating your online store will cost you? Whether you are a start-up or a Franchise, creating your own marketplace has a cost. Creating an online marketplace is more than just a website where customers can buy without attending to the store physically. Your online …
Top Factors That Affect Online Marketplace Pricing in 2021
Everyone has heard about online marketplaces. They are becoming increasingly popular. Old-aged pensioners and old-school people who preferred offline transactions with physical store visits have begun enjoying their use. If you are a store owner, or a business-minded person that wants …
Black Friday Predictions for 2021
With Black Friday coming up in no time, you probably wonder what is coming for us after last year’s historic online sales! Since the covid pandemic, long lines and crowded shopping centers were not an option, making way for online shopping and on-demand delivery to hit records. In 202 …
Build a successful Online Marketplace in 2021 with Ordering
Do you have an incredible idea for an online marketplace, but find yourself stuck on the vision? Imagine what it would be like, to bring your idea into life smoothly and effortlessly. The answer is simple, it is all about having the right technology in place. You might not be an exper …
Key Features of a Successful Online Food Ordering and Delivery Platform
Life has changed, the way we perceive the world, human interactions, and business marketing, and cultural behaviors have changed too. We evolve, we buy things in a different way. Nowadays the type of interactions into the business market has created a path for online projects and offe …