Ordering Blog

Analysis of D2C Markets and successes

Direct-to-consumer has become a very popular concept in recent years, as a lot of brands had to move their business online in order to survive on the market. The term refers to an online business that sells and delivers the goods or services directly to the consumer, without the invol …

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Laundry businesses washing their way into a billion-dollar industry.

By 2024, the global online on-demand laundry services market will amount to USD 96,155 million. Why has this industry become so successful? Without a question, the ease of saving time is the primary reason why on-demand services have been so popular in recent years. Every year, we wit …

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A complete guide on how to develop a D2C Pharmacy Business

Are you thinking of launching a new D2C business, but you’re not too sure what kind of industry to get into? The D2C online pharmacy business is more prominent than ever. Since 2020, many people relied solely on online medicine delivery, since they were at a very high risk of getting …

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What is Direct-To-Consumer through hyper-local, and why opt for it?

Are you thinking of starting an on-demand online delivery business? Or maybe you already have an existing franchise? Having a direct-to-consumer platform is a great way to expand your business and lower your costs. What is a hyperlocal model? The hyperlocal direct-to-consumer platform …

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Simple Ways To Generating New Marketplace Ideas

You may already have an idea to start up a business and feel excited about the concept and putting it into practice. If you do, you will probably aspire to build a successful marketplace business with thousands of users, each eager to jump on the bandwagon and purchase your wares. Fou …

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Launch Your Own Online D2C Pest Control Services Business

Are you examining different options for launching a new D2C business? Or maybe you already have experience in the field of pest control and would like to bring it online. Pest control services are always going to be around and generate demand. Exterminators, or pest control workers, e …

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How to launch an online pet store from scratch?

One thing is for sure, people will never stop spending money on their favorite pets. If you are thinking of launching a D2C online delivery business, this article is for you. We are going to dive into some projections as well as what tools are required to grow a successful online pet …

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Top 10 ordering software for franchises

Are you the owner of a food franchise seeking a more effective approach to selling online? Choosing the correct software for implementing an online ordering platform is the most essential and influential decision you can make. When it comes to technology, franchises have significantly …

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The Ultimate Guide to Launch a Meat Delivery Service

The grilling season is coming up, and so is the opportunity to launch a fresh meat delivery service. Online meat delivery may have seemed like a luxury reserved for gifts, weddings, or special occasions in the past. However, with so many online grocery shopping and delivery services a …

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Starbucks Is Using The Ordering App; Why.

Coffee is an addictive beverage, and Starbucks too many has become a daily staple. Working professionals around the globe, along with housewives, teenagers, and students alike, have become super reliant on their smoothies, coffee drinks, teas, cakes, and amazing toasties! It doesn't m …

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