Ordering Blog

Ordering.co Feature: Livechat

Written by Ordering | Jan 19, 2023 4:19:43 PM

LiveChat is a customer service tool that allows businesses to communicate with their customers in real time via a chat widget on their website. Ordering.co is ready to connect with your Livechat account and integrate a chat for support or sales in your platform.

It’s an effective way to provide immediate support to customers and resolve any issues they may have while they’re on your website.

When it comes to online ordering, LiveChat can be a valuable tool for businesses. Here are a few ways LiveChat can improve the online ordering experience for both the business and the customer:

Quick resolution of issues: With LiveChat, customers can get immediate assistance with any issues they may encounter while placing an order online. 

This can include problems with the website, payment issues, or questions about the products. Having a LiveChat option available can help prevent abandoned carts and increase customer satisfaction.

Personalized customer service: LiveChat allows businesses to provide a more personalized customer service experience. Customers can speak directly with a representative and have their questions or concerns addressed in real-time. 


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This can lead to a more positive customer experience and increase customer loyalty.

Increased conversion rates: By providing immediate assistance to customers during the online ordering process, businesses can increase their conversion rates. Customers are more likely to complete their purchase if they feel they can get quick help if they need it.

Overall, LiveChat is a valuable tool for businesses that offer online ordering. It allows for quick resolution of issues, personalized customer service, and increased conversion rates. 

We have that ready for you, or also we can guide you through the process of creating your own.

If you’re looking to improve the online ordering experience for your customers, consider implementing LiveChat on your ordering website or customer apps.