This topic has been crucial for all of our customers. Many of them underestimate the positive influence that a live chat service on your website can have. The fact that you can interact with your visitor to solve a specific question can turn a visitor into a customer.
Nowadays we all think it is pretty obvious how the process for online ordering is but people have specific questions very often and by only creating a FAQ or a contact us page sometimes it is just not enough to make your visitor feel safe.
People like confirming what they think they know. Live chats can help your visitors reach this goal. Let me give you some examples:
-Hello! I saw that I could pay with PayPal is that correct?
-Hello, welcome, yes, you can pay in some of the restaurants with Paypal
-Oh, only some at some of them?
-Yes, that is correct.
-What about the restaurant „X.“
-Let me check that for you, hold, please
-Yes, you can pay with Paypal at restaurant X
-Great, I will order now
As we can see in this example people as apparent things that they could have found themselves when using the online ordering platform but having a live chat agent to confirm this has made it clear once again. The visitors feel better because of this certainty and places the order.