Ordering Blog

The future of Advanced Logistics.

Written by Ordering | Mar 9, 2021 5:32:19 PM

The market for autonomous & delivery logistics systems is growing rapidly. According to the "Logistics Automation Market by Component" report by Research and Markets, the global logistics automation market is expected to grow from $46.22 billion to $80.64 billion by 2023.

This anticipated boom can be explained by numerous factors: the continued growth of the e-commerce industry, robotics advancements, amongst others. The growing sophistication of driverless vehicles and drones is also playing a vital role in automating logistics processes.
In warehousing facilities, humans and robots are working increasingly closely together. One high-profile example of this is at online retail giant Amazon's center, where robots are being use to help with stock-picking.
The same kind of logistics can be happening with the current way deliveries are done, Imaging just pressing one button and all the incoming orders to your Ordering Solution are getting assigned according to routes, status of orders, directions, times, availability, and distances.


With Advanced Logistics by Ordering, you can start automating deliveries.


As yet, this technology is by no means the norm, as the majority of facilities across the world are still manually operated.
But as demand for stuff rises thanks to the growing popularity of e-commerce, many countries are facing labour shortages; according to research from Oxford Economics, working age populations are expected to fall in countries such as Germany, Poland and Spain up to 2031.
Increased warehouse automation could be a viable solution to this, on top of it, you can give a lot of people the opportunity to work as drivers.
And this is also where collaborative robots (cobots) come in. Increasingly, they are working alongside humans on repetitive tasks such as unpacking and inspection to keep warehouses running more smoothly and eliminate errors, deliveries is not yet fully automated, so this is a big opportunity for you to grow your business with the right tech.
A mobile app or wearable device can provide information about the type of goods being transported, the weight of a package, whether it is fragile, etc.
The device could then calculate the space needed for the package in the vehicle as well as displaying digital directions for the immediate environment. Such augmented reality technology could greatly reduce the cost of warehousing operations in future. 
While there are still many issues to be addressed, not least of which is safety, there’s no doubt that autonomous vehicles will be playing a significant role in the future of the global logistics industry, In the mean time automate your delivery logistics, save time, and increase your income.


At ordering we want you to take the initiative and take a step before your competition towards the complete automation of your deliveries. If you want to know a little more about how our advanced logistics works, we invite you to enter the following link: